Universal Basic Income: Not in our lifetime

Universal Basic Income: A Revolutionary Pipe Dream Universal Basic Income: A Revolutionary Step Towards Human Rights Pipe Dream Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of human rights, one concept has recently taken center stage: Universal Basic Income (UBI). The idea of providing every citizen with a guaranteed income, irrespective of their employment status or wealth, is not just an economic proposition, but a radical reimagining of our societal contract. This article explores UBI as a human right, and how its implementation could provoke thought, challenge norms, and redefine our understanding of equality and freedom. Universal Basic Income: A Primer Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a government program where every citizen receives a set amount of money on a regular basis. The key principle is universality: everyone gets it, rich or poor, employed or unemployed. The goal is to provide a basic safety net, ensuring everyone can meet their fundamental need...