How the ACA Can Help Millions who Lost Medicaid Coverage

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offers a lifeline for millions of Americans who have lost their Medicaid coverage this year. As states resume their regular eligibility checks and remove people from their Medicaid rolls, many of them may be unaware of their options to get subsidized health insurance through the ACA marketplaces. The sign-up period starting this week could be a chance to enroll them and prevent gaps in their care. The Medicaid unwinding The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a federal policy that prevented states from disenrolling anyone from Medicaid, unless they moved out of state or voluntarily withdrew. This policy, known as the maintenance of effort (MOE) requirement, was meant to ensure continuous coverage for low-income people during the public health emergency. However, the MOE requirement ended on March 31, 2023, and states began to review their Medicaid caseloads and remove those who no longer qualified or failed to respond t...