
Showing posts with the label eBook

Anarchy in the IRS: Imagining a World Without Income Tax (eBook Preview)

Imagine a world where you could keep all of your hard-earned money without paying a dime to the federal government. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it's not as far-fetched as you might think. In fact, it's how things used to be in America before the income tax was introduced. And it's how things could be again if we decided to abolish this unjust and inefficient way of funding the government. In this blog post, I will explain why income tax is a bad idea, and how we can live without it. The History of Income Tax in the US The income tax is not as old or as natural as you might think. It was not part of the original design of the US Constitution, which only authorized the federal government to collect indirect taxes, such as tariffs or excise taxes.  The first personal income tax was imposed by Congress in 1861 to help pay for the Civil War , but it was repealed in 1872 after the war ended.  T he idea was brought back in the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, which...