(Part 2 of 2) Questions and Challenges: Resource Allocation and Rationing in Healthcare (#3 of 40 series)

What questions or challenges do you have about resource allocation and rationing in healthcare?


Resource allocation and rationing in healthcare are complex and sensitive issues that require careful and ethical consideration. They also raise many questions or challenges that may not have clear or easy answers. Here are some questions or challenges that you may have about resource allocation and rationing in healthcare:
  • How can we measure or compare the costs and benefits of different resource allocation options, especially when they involve intangible or subjective values such as quality of life, dignity, or fairness?
  • How can we balance or reconcile different or conflicting ethical values and principles that may apply to resource allocation decisions, such as autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, etc.?
  • How can we deal with uncertainty or complexity that may affect resource allocation decisions, such as lack of data, evidence, or knowledge; variability or unpredictability of outcomes or impacts; or multiple or interrelated factors or interactions?
  • How can we engage with diverse or conflicting stakeholders that may have different perspectives, interests, or agendas on resource allocation issues, such as patients, providers, managers, policymakers, media, etc.? 
  • How can we communicate or justify resource allocation decisions in a transparent and accountable way that builds trust and legitimacy among the affected parties and the public?
These are some of the questions or challenges that you may have about resource allocation and rationing in healthcare. I encourage you to think about them and share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below. I would love to hear from you and learn from your experiences and insights.


Resource allocation and rationing are inevitable and unavoidable aspects of healthcare. They are also complex and sensitive issues that require careful and ethical consideration. 

In the previous post, I presented a 3-step framework that can help us approach resource allocation and rationing in a systematic and ethical way. I have also shared some examples from my own experience as a healthcare asshole and a policy advisor, as well as some examples or case studies from other countries or contexts. 

I have also posed some questions or challenges for you to think about and discuss.

I hope this post has been useful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions <3 


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